White sage is a very powerful cleansing tool, wonderful for cleansing out intense unwanted energies and spirits. It can be used to cleanse your home, rooms, altars, items, crystals or yourself. Rosemary is a wonderful herb for protection, and shielding, often used to work with good fortune and prosperity energies.
How to Use
To use, light the end of the stick with a match, lighter or candle, allow to burn for around 20 seconds and then blow out, wafting the smoke around items, the home or a person.
Be sure to use an ash collector or bowl beneath the bundle to protect flammable items and fabrics from any burning ash.
Please use general sage safety advice, don’t leave burning herb bundles unattended, use in a well ventilated space away from pets, children and those with breathing problems._________________________________________________________
The herbs for our bundles have been grown in the Netherlands for the purpose of spiritual cleansing. No herbs are taken from the wild or taken from sacred places for our bundles. We always want to ensure that Sacred sites and natural reserves are not depleted and so all herbs used are grown specifically for being used in such ways in controlled environments.
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