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Our Herbal Blends are handmade by us in store. 


Each blend is created from a custom selection of organic herbs associated with clearing away blockages, things holding you back and opening door to new beginnings and new oportunities. It can be used for a variety of different purposes and with several intention and is charged with the general intention of opening roads.


Our herb blends can be used in a large range of practices with a range of intention, I personally use these herb blends for:

- Adding into mojo bags

- Stuffing doll babies and poppets

- Adding onto and around candles in candle magick

- Adding additional intention onto altars and long term workings

- Adding into amulets, portable spellwork and jewellery

- Burning as a short term intention incense

- Grinding further into power workings

- Adding into intention oils


These herb blends are also used in all of our kits, candle spells, ritual kits and more, and I personally use these blends in all of my own personal practice to great success. 


Each comes in a small pouch which is stuffed as full as I can with each herbal blend, please note that due to settling the herbs may reduce in size over time, but when they leave us they are as full as we can make them. 


Please do not consume any of the herbs and take care if burning.

Road Opener Herb Blend

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